Do You Need a Child Support Modification in Colorado?

Laura E. Shapiro -

If you or the other parent has experienced a substantial and continuing change in circumstances, either of you can file for a child support modification in Colorado.


A significant change in a child's circumstances, such as a medical condition, may be cause for modification of child support.

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Private School Tuition After Divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

Colorado statutes require parents to share the cost of education and childcare following a divorce.

However, many parents still have questions and concerns when it comes to how to pay for their children’s private school tuition after divorce.

Private School
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Co-parenting tips to send kids back to school after a divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

Co-parenting after a divorce is difficult enough. Your relationship with your ex-spouse evolves, requiring each of you to work with the other and adapt to your new roles.

Communicating and creating consistency for your children is challenging even when a marriage is intact.

Back to school spelt out with scrabble pieces
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Co-parenting successfully after divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

Co-parenting is not always easy, especially if a divorce has been contentious or if the parents' styles of raising children are very different.


there are ways to successfully co-parent so that children get the happiest, healthiest experience possible.

silhouette of a adults holding hands above the head of two children
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The post-divorce parent-teacher conference

Laura E. Shapiro -

After a divorce the family relationship becomes an evolution, shifting and adapting as you learn new roles and communication techniques with your ex-partner, now co-parent.

This comes with many challenges like the parent teach conference.

Young couple at parent teacher conference
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